Friday, November 26, 2010

Lose weight, improve cholesterol and AST/ALT by Acupuncture & Herbs

Posted on November 26, 2010 at 8:30 PMComments comments (0)

This is a follow up with my Blog in Oct 13, 2010

Case Study #2

59 female over weight, has high cholesterol and recently has a diagnosis with  fatty liver. Patient concerned of  her liver and would like to lose weight. During the initial exam, I found her ankles were swollen (oedema). Patient had difficulty lying down, I had to rise her up in a half seating position to do the acupuncture. Patient also complained of non-stop coughing and felt water back up in the throat.
Patient felt tired all the time not felt to do exercise after work. Craving sweet and over eating is on going problem.

My treatment direction was going to focus with the Spleen, Kidney, Liver, and Lung. I first start with tonify the Spleen qi (digest function) and expel the dampness (awaken body metabolism system). I use points relate with Sp and qi & blood and use formula Xiang Sha Liu Jun zhi Tang ( Ren Shen is the main herb)-Patient likes this formula very much. She felt has much more energy, and lost 2 lb in a week. Then, I add Bao He Wan (Shen Zha is the main herb) along with the treatment in the third week, try to help more the digest system and help control lower cholesterol and hypertension. In the five week, I still found oedema on her ankles, I add in Wu ling San (Zhe Xia is the main herb) which is help leaking the accumulate fluid in the lower portion of the body cause by the kidney function impairment.

After the 6 weeks treatment, Patient is able to lose some weight, fell less hungry but still have swollen on lower portion of her leg. Dry coughing with phlegm still wake her up in the middle of the night. I decided to start to focus more on her kidney and liver function.Patient wished to lose weight faster but did admit indulging herself with sweet as late night snack.

I decided to use Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan ( which focus to warming up the kidney function and water metabolism, Plus Ba Zhen Tang ( which used to tonify basic Spleen QI/engery and Liver blood flow/nourish). In couple weeks, patients started to lose a little more weight.

Patient came in Nov 19, 2010 brought me her new blood Diagnostic. Her MD doctor is very happy with the blood result and encourage her continue with the treatment.

7/15/2010 11/12/2010 Reference range
Total cholesterol 364 High 186  Normal                    125-200
HDL cholesterol 53  Normal 55   Normal     > 46
Triclycerides 177 High 118  Normal                    < 150
LDL cholesterol 276 High 107 Normal  < 130
CHOL/HDLC ratio 6.9 High 3.4  Normal  < 5.0
AST 61 High 37  High  10-35
ALT 92 High 45  High  6-40

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Belching after eat is showing respect to the hospitality of the host in Chinese banquet culture. On contract, it is embarrass in American culture. The reason cause belching could be different by the sound and other symptom. A loud belching is a full condition, stomach fire. A quiet belching is stomach qi or yin (fluid) deficiency. If belching come with distention is live qi stagnation invading the stomach, cause by emotion. If belching along with sour regurgitation is indicated you have food retention.

Belching is a embarrass problem when you out to have fun with friends. It is not a difficult symptom to treat. Acupuncture and Herbal formula will simply take care of it.

By exam the tongue color and coating and pulse signs, herbal treatment as follow:

  1. Stomach fire- San Huang Xie Xin Tang
  2. Qi deficient-Shi Jun Zhi Tang/ Liu Jun Zhi Tang
  3. Yin deficient- Mai Men Dong Tang / Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang
  4. Qi stagnation- Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang
  5. Food retention- Bao He Wan

Acupuncture points:
CV12 ( Zhone-Wan ), ST36 ( Zhu-San- Li) are the basic point for deficient condition.
SP6 ( San Yin Jiao) can use either deficient or excess condition.
ST44, ST45( Jing well, Ying spring point)  use for clear fire.
PC6 ( Nei-Guan) is great point to use for pain, nausea and vomiting.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Drug-Herb interactions

Drug-Herb interactions

Many patients would like to try alternative medicine but they are worry about the interaction between the herbs and western drugs. Anything over dosage will cause problem, even over drink water can cause death. What should we look out for? What is the general rule of prescript herbal medicine?

Drugs that are highly protein bound and therefore open to these types of interactions include Warfarin, Phenytoin, oral contraceptive pills, and non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). One of the biggest targets of interactions within the realm of metabolism is the Cytochrome p450 (CYP) system. This system is involves with liver Metabolism.  Some substances may inhibit this system while others promote this system.  This is why patients on statin drugs (coronary artery disease (CAD), lower cholesterol) should not drink grapefruit juice. Herbs have strong inhibition of cyp3A4 are  Wu Bei Zi, Shi Liu Pi, Tian Hua Fen. Other herbs that may interfere with cyp include Bai Zhi, Da Suan ( garlic), Guan Ye Lain ( St. John’s wort).

The most significant factor in determining interactions is how a substance affects clearance. Patients on dialysis or who have a kidney elimination from the kidneys. Diuretics can increase clearance form the kidney.

Rules of using Chinese medicinal formula:
  1. Starting at a reasonably low dose ( typically, 2-4 days)
  2. If no adverse reactions, prescribe a one- week dose.
  3. If still no adverse reactions, in crease the dose to the level you believes in appropriate for the patient
  4. Monitor the patient regularly and make adjustments as necessary.
  5. be available to the patient for emergencies in some manner

Friday, October 22, 2010

What does acupuncture and herbal medicine can do for fatty liver?

Fatty Liver In Western Medicine Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one cause of fatty liver changes, when fat is deposited (steatosis) in the liver when this is not due to excessive alcohol use. More commonly NAFLD is diagnosed following abnormal liver function tests during routine blood test.

Patients are often asymptomatic. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is the most extreme form of NAFLD, which is regarded as a major cause of cirrhosis of the liver of unknown cause.

Liver In Chinese Medicine
Liver has many important functions that are storing blood, ensuring the smooth movement of qi throughout the body and deep influence the mental state. Liver blood nourish the sinews, store blood for the uterus, and recovering energy and immunity. Smooth flow of Liver Qi will regulate and balance the function of the liver.

Between the Western and Chinese Medicine
Fatty Liver is the accumulation of fat in liver cells. It is also called steatosis. In Chinese Medicine will be under the pattern of qi and blood stagnation. Liver stores blood, it also in charge of the smooth flow of the qi that affects all organs’ normal function. Therefore, the treatment principle of the Liver steatosis will focus on nourish the blood and move the qi. Preventing liver cirrhosis or prolong is treating fatty liver immediate goal.

Herbs are good for venting the liver: Chai Hu, Xiang Fu Herbs are good for soothing the liver: Bai Shao Herbs are good for nourishing and move the blood: Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong Herbs that help the qi moving: Chen Pi Herbs that help the lipid: Shan Zha

Acupuncture points will also focus on soothing the liver qi and nourish the liver blood.
LV 3, LV 8, Sp6, Sp 10, GB 34, LV14, Ren6, Ren17
If phlegm accumulated + ST40
If heat present + LI11
If damp accumulate + SP9
If Gallbladder (bile)involved + GB4

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Jaundice (yellow discoloration)

Jaundice (yellow discoloration)

Posted on September 30, 2010 at 2:58 AMComments comments (0)

Jaundice is mainly manifested by yellow discoloration of the sclera, skin and urine, resulted from the dampness in the spleen and heat in the stomach, leading to abnormal circulation of the bile spread to the skin surface. The seasonal and epidemic pathogen also create the fact of the dampness accumulation.

Case study:

Patient came for general wellness who decline of any sickness. He is very interested in oriental medicine, and would like to experience acupuncture. During the history taken, he mentioned he has noticed his tongues coating turned to very thick yellow since he practiced Qi Gong two months ago. Generally, if patients come for wellness, we will strength their digestion function, move the qi and blood and clear the channel. But with the yellow tongue coating presented, I knew there is a pathogeneses excite.
If Patient has pathogens we will clear the pathogens first. So, I started digging what cause the thick yellow tongue coating and think what treatment should be performed. I asked if patient felt thirsty, he replied “yes” and showed me he carried a bottle of water and a bottle of juice. But has no desired to even drink them. I ask if patient has bitter taste in the mouth. He replied “yes, some”. I asked, “ Do you feel hot afternoon? He said, “ I am always hot”. Before I was going to feel his pulse, he said “ I am an athlete, so I have a slow pulse”. The truth is I didn’t feel his pulse was slow; in fact it was a little fast.

All these findings were indicated dampness accumulated turn to heat, and the heat now presented stronger than the dampness. Patient is an athlete has strong constitution and practice qi kong and Tai qi. He said he hardly feel sick or symptoms. I started to exam his skin, eyes, nail and look for any signs. He obviously out in the sun a lots, he has suntan but the color seemed more yellowish brown than dark brown. Then, I looked his palms, and put my palms next to them.His palms appeared very yellowish. So, clear “ Damp- Heat” was my treatment principle to start.

The main points were select for expel dampness and clear heat,
GB 34- patient felt very strong qi sensation
SP 9- patient felt the qi movement all the way down to the leg
Ren 9- patient also has strong feeling of the qi.
LI11-clear heat
GB40- treatment bile
ST40 -was added to the treatment for phlegm
ST44- clear qi level heat
LV3-combine with GB34 or Jaundice

After removed the needles, I examed patient’s palms. Surprised, you can see a big color change of his palms from yellow to white. It indicated my treatment direction was right. It cleared the jaundice. So, I asked if patient has traveled to a place was high wet and hot lately. He did two months ago. I asked what he likes to eat. He likes to eat curry and spicy food. Conclusion, The disturbance of spleen and stomach cause the damp-heat created internally. Travel to the weather is moist and hot open his body to pathogens. Qi Gong promoting the qi circulation and detoxicate the pathogen; therefore the tongue coating changed.

Are you ready to quit smoking?

Are you ready to quit smoking?

Posted on March 30, 2010 at 3:05 AMComments comments (0)
I visited two of my old clients from my pervious career recently. We spend one and half hour together but only 15 minutes talked about the actual work. They mostly were interested to know about Acupuncture. One of them asked me “ can you make me stop smoking?” I looked at him and said “ Do you really want to quit?” He put his head down and said “ half yes, half no” I told him” when you really ready then we will work together.”

Acupuncture treatment is a very powerful tool for removing smoking addiction. This treatment is not very popular among the people who are planning to quit. However it is a very effective and reliable method for quitting smoking which has no side effects at all. Acupuncturist uses a method called the NADA protocol to treat smoking addition. Protocol was originally developed in Harlem for the stopping of heroin addiction. As research progress, they found the treatment was effective for many other addictions. It was usually used in combine with herb medicine and counseling.

Treatment plan as follow:
1. Ear point will be used
Shen Men: to normalize sympathetic and para-sympathetic nervous system and also to help handle the stress and clam the mind.
Kidney: to give the will power to fight the addition
Liver: help with the stress and also de toxic
Lung: clear Lung because smoking damage the Lung

2. Regular Acupuncture Point will be used
Lu7(Lieque): Luo-Connecting point, Confluent Point for Lung and respiratory.

In order to help patient to deal with the craving and the irritability we will put the ear seed (small seed from plant) on several ear points. This will help them to fight the smoking when they are away from the  clinic.

3. Ear seed will be placed
Mouth: suppress the craving and change the taste
Kidney: will power
Liver: detoxic
Lung: clear
Shen Men: clam irritability

   Acupuncture is not a magic and I am not a magician can make cigarettes disappear.” One thing I would like to point out is, Smoking is also a habit but a bad habit. For example, people like to smoke when they have doing a heavy thinking or discussing serious manner or a social event. Not all smokers are addicted to the nicotine. So finding something to replace your bad habit would be helpful for the treatment. Acupuncture treatment help patient has less desire to smoke but the final decision still depended on the patient.

How does acupuncture work for pain?

How does acupuncture work for pain?

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        People ask me how does acupuncture work? How could inserting a needle stop the pain? What is the theory behind it? From western point of view, inserting a needle recreate a trauma. The body recognizes the trauma, then send the leukocytes to the site start the repairing process. From acupuncture point of view, we clear the blood stasis and move the Qi. What does that mean?
       In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) theory, we have meridians and channels run up and down connect inside and outside our body. They are some deeper, some superficial but they all connect to each other. You can think they are like the freeways connect the cities. So, when accident happens on the freeway, it courses the traffic jam. Then, because one freeway is jam up then other connecting freeway all effected. The accident is here could be you pulling the muscle one day when you doing the exercise or you have toxic accumulate or simply woman has a problem of their menses. All of that create stagnation and lead to pain. The stagnation starts from retardation of the Qi, in western you can explain as a weak vital energy not be able to de toxic.

       Acupuncture is act like police come the site to clear up the accident and redirect the traffic. And the herbal medicine will continue the make sure the flow to all site clear. In TCM break up the stasis, move the Qi and blood is the principle of treating excess type of pain cause by stagnation or stasis. In order to balance the body function properly first we have to remove the obstruction then balance yin and yang to maintained body function properly.

       Acupuncture also helping release the endorphin which are group of hormones secreted in the brain and nervous system and having a number of physiological function. It caused analogical effect which stop feeling the pain or easy the pain.

Fibromyalgia is not a disease.

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Fibromyalgia is not a disease, but a painful chronic condition.

1) Introduction • Is one of the most devastating and misunderstood illnesses of our time.

  •  Wake up day after day feeling exhausted and in pain
  •  Frustration of not being believed and being told that there’s nothing wrong with you.

If you have fibromyalgia, you want answer to these basic questions:
• Why did this happen to me?
• How can I bei in so much pain all the time?
• Why am I so exhausted? • Why is there a always something else wrong with my body?
• What can I do to get better?

2) Common Fibromyalgia Symptoms
• Widespread, variable aches and pains • Fatigue • Morning stiffness • Restless sleep • Pain  exacerbated by excise • Non-inflammatory pain that doesn’t respond to medication •  Increasze sensitivity to allergens • Confusion or difficulty concentrating • headaches • abdominal  cramping • numbness or tingling • easily irritated skin • sensitivity to temperature • sensitivity to  bright light or loud noises • sensitivity to intense tastes or smells • skin that readily flushes • discomfort in crowds

3) In a Nutshell

  • People with firbromyalgia have an overactive sympathetic nervous system, also known as the body’s fight-or-flight response.
  •  An overactive fight-or-fight response results in the continual release of adrenaline, dopamine, and other important stress-related hormones. If this elevated fight-or-flight activity continue, dopamine will become depleted.
  •  Disruption in your sleep cycle ( prevent dopamine from replenished at night)
  • Dopamine act as a filter, a pain blocker. If you lost its protection, your sensations are suddenly amplified.
  • The pain cause by depleted dopamine continues to trigger the fight-or flight response, and fibromyalgia become a self-perpetuating illness.

4) Firbromyalgia Cycle initiated

The three categories of triggers for fibromyalgia are:

  •  Sleep disruption - sleep apnes, restless legs syndrome, physical pain, chronic painful disorder, painful trauma, psychological stress, anxiety and panic disorder, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder
  •  Physical pain
  •  Psychological stress Cycle of the Fibromyalgia Poor Sleep + Stress + Depress ⇒ Depleted Dopamine • ⇒ Fibromyalgia initiated⇒ Pain

5) Woman are more suscequences and severe Firbromyalgia.
• Genetic difference in fight- or- flight response
• Thendency to be easily aroused from sleep

6) The pain threshold The amount of dopamine in a person’s brain determines his or her pain threhold.
If the pain registers 10 on the severity scale

  • Healthy person- normal level of dopamine (5) feel pain severity of (5), 10-5=5
  • Moderate Fibromyalgia- reduce level of dopamine (2) feel pain severity of (cool, 10-2=8
  • Severe Fibromyalgia- no pain threshold remaining, feels a suicidal pain, 10-0-10  
7) Do I have Fibromyalgia?

  • a history of widespread musculoskeletal pain lasting longer than three months in all four quadrants of the body.
  • eighteen different tender points across the body

cool Posssible Fibromyalgia Tender points
9) How can Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine help?

  •  Improving sleep quality by reduce stress and relax the muscle and mind
  •  Stimulate the secretion of the dopamine to increase the pain threshold. Reduce the sensation of feeling the pain.
  •  Relieve fatigue, depression and anxiety symptoms
  • Break the Firbromyalgia Cycle and working toward to the recovery.

Weight loss- you are in charge.

Everyone is talking about weight loss. Business advertising weight loss are everywhere on newspapers, coupon books, clipper magazine, TV, website. I told people I am an acupuncturist, the first thing they asked me was“ can you make me loss weight? ” Like people ask me “ can you make me quit smoking?” My answer is the same “ No, I can not make you either loss weight or quit smoking unless you are ready to commit the process.”

Acupuncture and herbs can get rid of excess toxic accumulation and unblock the stagnation in the channel meridian. Then, the body can rebalance the yin yang and restore its proper function. But, if you still have bad diet, eat the wrong food, sitting around all day, overworking, over stress, nothing can help you. Have you heard people saying” I don’t eat much but I gain weight even just drink water.” I believed it.

You eat three meals a day plus snack and drink all day. How many times you can see acupuncturist, herbalist, and massage therapist a week?  Appetite suppression pills is chemical you don’t want to depend on it. Once you get off it, you will be back on your weight if you don’t change your eating habit and life style. Acupuncture needle the points that help suppress the appetite, promote better metabolism and strength the will powder. Herb will help some release excess accumulation waste, and strength your digestive system. The rest the time you are away from us is the most important factor to determine if our effort will be success.

FOOD- What should you eat and not to eat
1. NO starvation-all nutrition are necessary for good health
2. Sugar is bad which means soda, boba tea are all included. Drinking soda is like drink sugar all day,     and the diet soda even worse.
3. Process food is bad: artificial sweetener, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, processed soy     products
4. Carbohydrate: bread (even wheat bread), pasta, cereal has high carb. Unless you are an athlete be     able to burn it all out. You may choose rice, spelt, millet sweet potatoes, fruit and vegetable in stead.     Remember carbs is necessary but choose the right carbs and amount is important for individual.
5. Fat does make you fat: choose real butter not margarine or substituted butter. Olive oil instead canola oil. Egg, avocados and raw nuts has fat but make you loss weight.

1. Walking can burn up to 180 calories in 30 minutes. Sprinting, adding hills or an incline can increase     amount of calories burned. Simply walking 30 minutes a day can warm up the body metabolism and     get your blood circulation going.
2. Cardio Exercise Burns the Most Calories: Step Aerobics, Bicycling, Swimming,
     Cross-Country Skiing, Rowing
3. Muscle stretch and strength work out: Yoga, Pilate. Tai Qi
4. Weight bearing exercises are the only exercises that enhance bone growth and stop bone loss

Combine two of above list at least twice a week for an hour you will get health and feel better. Loss weight is just going to be part of the result. If you have muscle and bone issue, water Aerobic will be great way to get you start.

LIFE STYLE CHANGE- meditation, change the way doing thing.
1. Over working deplete your qi and blood, lead to stagnation and accumulation. Take a break!
2. Over thinking weaken your digestive system and weaken your muscle.
     It will lead to weight gain.

With all above combination of acupuncture, herbal medicine, diet, exercise, and life style change, you will lost weight and keep it off.

Preventing the Flu Without Medication

Preventing the Flu Without Medication

There are some simple health-habit tips you can work into your life to decrease the chances of coming down with the virus.

 Wash Those Hands The germs can live there for hours, and sometimes even days — only to be picked up by an unsuspecting coworker. Washing your hands often can reduce germs.

• Use a Tissue When you sneeze or cough, remember to cover your nose and mouth with a tissue, not your hands. Using your hands can quite literally have you holding onto the germs, ready to pass them on to anyone. A tissue can collect the germs and keep everyone out of harm's way … just be sure to throw it out immediately.

• Acupuncture Regular visit acupuncturist will strength your body defensive Qi to fight the pathogens. It reduces the chance to get sick and shorten the time need to recover from flu.

• Herbal Medicine Regularly strengthing the Lung and spleen function with herbs will reduce the chance getting the flu. It has no side effect, and it works better than Flu shot. 

If You Get the Flu, Anti-virals Can Help

• Should you or a family member come down with the flu, anti-virals may be your best bet. Anti-virals can shorten the duration of the flu, but only if they're taken within 12-48 hours of the onset of symptoms.

Chinese Herbs can help the Flu

• Ban Lan Gen (clear Toxic-heat): cool blood, clear heat. Good for painful throat, fever, headache, and cough. It has anti-viral function, the number one herb for treating the flu.
• Jin Yin Hua (clear Toxic-heat or wind-heat): for wind-heat or all stages of febrile diseases.
Clear diarrhea/dysentery (with mucus or bleeding-damp heat cause)
• Lian Qiao (clear Toxic-heat): good for fever cause irritability, insomnia. Promote urination.
• Ge Gen (dispel wind-heat): release muscle pain and stop diarrhea
• Huang Qin, Huang Lian, Huang Bai (dispel damp-heat, drain fire, cool blood):
    good for fever,coughing, ulcers, insomnia, tongue sores, nausea, vomiting.
These herbs have anti-viral function.
• Add She Gan or Niu Bang Zi for sore throat
• Add Xuan Shen generate fluid to reduce the irritability cause by the fever.
It reduces throat pain and swelling
• Add Ye Ju Hua for eye pain
• Add Jing Jie, Fang Feng for disperse the exterior pathogen attack

Acupuncture cupping and points:
Du 14, LI11, SJ5, Li4, LU10, ST44 (clear heat and exterior pathogens)
ST36, Ren 6, UB13 ( strength the Spleen, Lung to fight the flu)
ST25 can add if diarrea or constipation.
GB20, Ying Tang for headace and irritablility
Lu 7 for coughing 
LU11 for sore throat

Emotional stress relate to illness in TCM theory

Emotional stress can lead to insomnia, headache, stomach disorder and worse cause stroke. The seven emotion factors in traditional Chinese medicine are joy, anger, melancholy, worry, grief, fear and fright. Severe, continuous or abruptly emotional stress can affect the function of the human body. The qi and blood of the organ will be disrupted leading to disease.

Anger causes the qi to rise up, injure the liver. Joy cause qi move slowly, injures the heart. Grief drastically consumes the qi, injures the lung. Fear cause qi decline; fright cause qi to be deranged, injure the kidney. Worry cause the qi stagnate, injure the spleen.

For example, prolonged anger or depression can impair the liver function of maintaining the free flow of qi, clinic symptoms include distention and pain in the hypochondriac region, belching, sighing. In sever case bleeding may happen. Worry and grief often affect the transporting and transforming function of the spleen, causing epigastric and abdominal distention, anorexia.

People experience emotion stress when them have a life change or simply just seating in a traffic jammed. Therefore, learning how to deal with emotional stress may be your answer to your health problem.

Patients asked me “ how do you not to think about the bad though?”
Here is my suggestion:
1. You need to tell yourself to STOP thinking the bad though or worry what would happen.
2. Worry never stop or slow something may or may not happen, so STOP it.
3. Angry with someone or something only hurting yourself, not others.
4. Not thing worth you feel sad, tomorrow is another new day
5. Love yourself, and love others. Forget the past and move forward.
6. Fear sometime is more frighten then facing the fear.

Be a Happy Clover... No Stress, No Pain.

Gua Sha (Scrape way fever, cough, muscle pain)

Gua Sha was used in China as early as two thousand years ago. It was used especially in the country side to help a person with fever, pain, and fatigue. Gua Sha (Chinese: 括砂), literally "to scrape away fever" in Chinese (more loosely, "to scrape away disease by allowing the disease to escape as sandy-looking objects through the skin"), is an ancient medical treatment.

People who have fever, coughing, phlegm accumulate in the chest hard to expel can use this technique. Gua means to scrape or rub. Sha is a "reddish, elevated, millet-like skin rash' (aka petechiae). Sha is the term used to describe Blood stasis in the subcutaneous tissue before and after it is raised as petechiae. Gua Sha is one technique that intentionally raises a Sha rash or petechiae.

If you have the following problem: • Chronic pain • Systemic disease (toxicity) • Poor blood circulation • Lymphatic congestion • Inflammation, • Fatigue • Infections • Physical or emotional stress • Coughing with difficulty expel phlegm • Feeling of tight Chest • Common cold and fever. • Vomiting and diarrhea.  You will greatly benefit from Gua Sha treatment.

Gua Sha treatments are not painful. Red spots are an indication that toxins are being released. Where the area is deep purple the blood is old and extremely stagnant. A dark green discoloration is a sign that stagnant blood and toxic "qi" are being released from the system.

Gua Sha is a folk physiotherapy based on traditional Chinese medicine theories. According to the TCM theory of “the twelve channels and eight extra meridians”, Gua Sha is performed on certain parts of the skin by scraping with a tool to stimulate the main and collateral channels.

This may result in sub-cutaneous blemishing, which will help dredge meridians, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

Case study
Patient had cough for a while on and off, now combining with symptoms of running nose, phlegm in the chest but hard to expel, post nasal dripping, difficulty breathing and irritability.

I did a cupping treatment first on Lung (UB12, 13), Spleen (UB20) and Kidney ( UB23) first. The color of the skin after the cupping was dull red. I decided to do Gua Sha. After 5 minutes of scraping, the Sha was gradually showing up. At this time, I ask how patient feel. She said “ I can feel my chest open it up”.
I continued Gua Sha along the spine specially on three area (Lung, Spleen, Kidney). At the same time needle was inserted on SJ5, LU7 and LI4 (Patient was face down). After Gua Sha, remove SJ5, LI4 ( keep LU7 needles stay), turn patient face up. 

I inserted needle to Ren 17, Ren 12, Ren 6 to restored her spleen qi and stop coughing. I also added LI 20 on the face near the nose to aid the congestion. After 15 minutes, I asked how she felt. She said “ I can not believe how I can breath now, and feeling of phlegm in my chest is gone. I can breath much deeper now”.

By working with digestion (Spleen& abdominal)point to treat the roots of the problem. Working with Lung points to expel the pathogens and strength the Protect wei qi. Strengthening the kidney will craps the qi down stopping coughing and protect chronic coughing injure the kidney.

Alternative therapies for High Blood Pressure

Classifying hypertension- Hypertension (High blood pressure) can be mild, moderated, or severe.

Normal BP- 120/80mmHg or sl less
Pre-hypertension – 120-139mmHg for systolic, 80-89mmHg for diastolic
Stage I hypertension-140-159 mmHg for systolic, 90-99mmHg for diastolic
Stage 2 hypertension-160mmHg or higher for systolic, 100mmHg or higher for diastolic

Related condition- It can be caused by a history of kidney disorder, pheochromocytoma (tumor of the adrenal glands), and spinal cord disorder. If diastolic pessure(low blood pressure) shooting up to120mmHg or higher without evidence of organ damage must get treated immediately. It is a hypertensive emergencies situation, which can cause stoke.

Strong Scientific Evidence
1. Omega-3 acid- It should be a balance of omega-6 and omega-3 acid for health. Omega-3 fatty from fish or fish oil supplements significantly reduce cholesterol levels, which may also help patients with hypertension. Omega-3 supplements can cause an increase in bleeding in susceptible individuals including those taking blood thinning medications such as warfarin ( coumadin).
2. Yoga-is generally considered to be safe in healthy individuals when practiced appropriately. Although avoid certain positions, cuch as headstands or shoulder stands,which may increase blood pressure.

Good Scientific Evidence
1. Calcium-Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body. Several studies have found that calcium may have hypotensive (lowering blood pressure) effects. In the DASH(Dietary Approaches to stop Hypertension) study, three serving perday of calcium intake at the recommended level may be helpful in preventing and treating moderated hypertension.
2. CoenzymeQ10 (coQ 10)- is produced by the human body and is necessary for the basic functioning of the cells. Low blood levels of CoQ10 have been found in people with hypertension, although it is not clear if CoQ10 deficiency is a cause of high blood pressure.
3. Hibiscus- This Herb been used for centuries by Ayurvedic and Chinese medical doctors. Human studies have shown that extracts of hibiscus may lower systolic and diastolic pressure. One study, Hibiscus standardized extract worked as well as Captopril ( Capoten which is a ACE inhibitor, use to lower blood pressure).

Acupuncture promos the qi moving and preventing blood stagnation which in western medicine called thrombosis. Acupuncture also relax the mind and muscle which reduce stress settle emotion and preventing stroke.

The relationship between Lung and Kidney in TCM theory

This association is mainly reflected in the movement of water and qi. Water metabolism is closely related to the function lung and kidney Lung need to dispersing and descending the water and kidney should evaporate water. If any of those organ not function well, water metabolism is serious disturbed. Symptoms of cough, shortness of breathe, difficulty in lying flat and oedema.

There are two pattern involved:
1. Lung qi deficiency affects the kidney in reception of qi which cause shortness of breath.
2. Lung yin deficiency injure kidney yin as resulting malar flush, afternoon fever, night sweating,  dry cough, hoarse voice and weakness and soreness of the lumbar region and knees.

Case study #1
69 years female patient has chronic lower back pain and recently hurt her back. After the chiropractic and Acupuncture treatment for two months, she felt much better but she still complained numbness of the lower legs. I suggested her to do water therapy or swimming to move the qi and blood, also strength her muscle. The numbness went away immediately.
Two week ago she complained of night coughing, dry but difficult to expel phlegm. She also felt bottom of foots burning hot and often wake her up from sleep. She always felt her throat is tickling which make her cough. She also complained of excess sweating on her face and head during the day make her embarrass.

This is classic of Lung and Kidney qi and yin deficient. I prescribed three formulas as follow:

1. Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan- Nourish the Kidney yin and clear deficient heat. Patient’s lower back pain is gone and did not feel her feet is hot during the sleep.

2. Bai he Giu Jin Tang- Nourish the Lung Yin. Patient was very happy and felt relieved from the coughing. She can finally sleep through the night.

3. Shen Mai San- Tonify the Lung qi and stop the sweating. Patient felt her energy is much better, if fact she swims 15 laps everyday. But the daytime sweating has not much improvement.

In conclusion: I was very happy the result of these three formula. I think if she continues her swimming, her lung qi will be stronger then help to stop the excess sweating.

Case study #2
59 female over weight, high cholesterol and recently has diagnosis has fatty liver. Patient is very concern her liver and would like to loss weight. During the initial exam, I found her ankles were swollen (oedema). Patient had difficulty lying flat, I had to rise her upper back up in order to do the acupuncture. Patient also complained of non-stop coughing and felt water in the throat. Patient felt tired all the time not felt to do exercise after work. Craving sweet and over eating.

This involved three organ Kidney, Lung and Spleen. I felt the root of problem is her spleen qi is weak and Kidney and Lung is secondary. At the same time, I need to deal with the liver function.

Acupuncture points: KI7, SP3, ST36, LV3, LV14, ST 21 to ST25, SP 15, Ren 9, Ren 6, ST 40, LU7, SJ13

Formulas prescribed:
1. Xiang Sha Liu Jun zhi Tang- Awaken the Spleen’s function, leak out the dampness, and strength the stomach and spleen qi. Patient likes this formula very much. She felt has much more energy, and lost 2 lb in a week.
2. Bao He Wan- Shan zha is the main herb of this formula, which can lower cholesterol and hypertension. I hope it prevent the fatty liver to be cirrhosis. It is also preventing food accumulation and clear heat. Patient felt her craving and over eating is slower down. And her blood test came back last week to show her live function is much better.
3. Wu Ling San- for edema and difficulty lying down. So far her edema is not improved and she felt dizziness after took 2 days (she add one more time than my instruction) So, I decided to limit her to 3 pills a day and ask her to contact MD to see why she is on Diuretics ("water pills") still has edema.

In conclusion: If the edema is not improved I may try Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan to help coughing or try Shi Pi Yin for edema. To adding the warming method to see if improve the water metabolism even though patient has no cold symptom to indicating yang deficient. I believe these two formula will help the water edema and also help loss weight.