Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Post-natal Depression explain in Chinese Medicine

 About 60-70% of women suffer from Post-natal Depression. This mild depressed started typically between the third and fifth day after the delivery. See from Chinese Medicine perspectives, during the childbirth woman depleted of qi and loss of blood may induce a state of Blood deficient. Since the Heart houses the mind and governs Blood, Heart blood become deficient, the Mind has nor place to settle, it becomes depressed and anxious. Anger is often present and this may vented against the husband or even the baby. Insomnia is a major problem. It may take a whole year before the woman returns to normal, and a few women do not, going on to develop more serious symptoms. Acupuncture and herbal medicine is the most nature way to restore your body and mind and dealing with post-natal depression, don’t let depression get in between you and your family.

There are basic three patterns:

  1. Heart blood deficient cause by giving birth
Symptom: tearfulness, insomnia, fatigue, anxious and feel unable to handle daily tasks, feeling of guilt, poor memory, and palpitations. 

Treatment principle: Nourish Blood, strengthen the Heart, lift mood.

  1. Heart Yin deficient cause by woman who has predisposition to yin deficiency
Symptom: Insomnia, waking up frequently, mental restlessness, agitation, intense anxiety, feeling of guilt, exhaustion, scanty breat milk, feeling of heat in the evening, night sweating.

Treatment principle: Nourish Yin, Tonify the Heart, calm the mind

  1. Heart Blood stasis cause by stagnant blood harassing the Mind.
Symptom: Neurotic, obsessive, phobias, or psychotic behavior, confused,       aggressive and offensive behavior, or display suicidal tendencies.

Treatment principle: move the blood, eliminate stasis, open the mind orificies. Subdue rebellious Qi.

Herbs that Open the Mind:
Shi Chang Pu, Hu Po, Yu Jin (Tuber curcumae), He Huan Pi, Yuan Zhi

Diet and Nutrition: it is important that Woman eat good for metal health and nursing mother.
·      Blood Tonic food: Apricot, Beet, Leafy Greens, Gig, Grape, Kidney Bean, liver, Spinach, Beef, Chicken
·      Qi Tonic food: Cherry, Date, fig, Oats, Sweet potato, Mushroom, Yam, Squash, Beef, Chicken, Eel
·      Move Blood food: Crab, brown sugar, chili, pepper, chive, hawthorn, Berry, onion, Mustard, peach, scallion vinegar.
·      Regular Qi food: Basil, carrot, clove, orange peel, garlic, turmeric.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Acupuncture during ovulation increasing fertility chance

Acupuncture before and after during the Ovulation date will increasing the chance to be pregnant. When I took woman's menstrual history often find woman confuse some calculation which is very important for getting pregnant or not. Here is some info you need to know when is the big day to prepare for.

Ovulation date and fertility
You can take the guess work out of trying to get pregnant. When you identify the days you will ovulate, you've found the days you're most likely to conceive! 85 percent of couples who simply stop using birth control,conceive within a year. You increase your chances of getting pregnant by knowing when you ovulate.

Ovulation Counts Backwards: Your most fertile days are based on an estimate of your ovulation date, which occurs 14 days before the first day of your next period.
Cycle length If you know your "cycle length" (the number of days starting from the first day of one period to the day before the first day of the next), you can predict when your next period will begin.
An unfertilized egg has a survival window of approximately 24 hours. Sperm can live longer and may already be present before an egg is released. Or sperm may arrive in the 24 hours after the egg has been released.This span of time accounts for the range in fertile days. During this period of times, have acupuncture and taking herbs preventing any obstruction for ovulating and increase your body energy to giving the maximum powder to prepare a good environment for the egg to be fertilized, is necessary for conceiving.

Preventing miscarriage and have a health baby : If you do conceive then make sure the egg is healthy and implant in the uterus well is very important. This is the last race that you need to pay attention before your due day.

If your Period start On Wednesday Oct 12,2011
Wednesday October 19, 2011 to Sunday October 23, 2011 are the days you are likely to be most fertile.

The days be most Fertile                                             If your conceived due date is
October 19, 2011 to October 23, 2011                            July 15, 2012.
November 11, 2011 to November 15, 2011                     August 7, 2012
December 4, 2011 to December 8, 2011                         August 30, 2012
December 27, 2011 to December 31, 2011                     September 22, 2012

Acupuncture and Herbs Helping Ovulation pain

You may have noticed having a pain on one side of your abdomen right around the time you ovulate.  This pain is called ovulation pain.  If you are alert to changes in your body, you may also notice other signs of ovulation taking place, such as an increase in cervical mucous, bloating, or tender breasts.
Some women describe ovulation pain as a pinching feeling and others describe it as feeling similar to menstrual cramps.  The pain is generally on one side of the lower abdomen, right around your hip bone. When the egg is released during ovulation it ruptures through a tiny follicle.  This rupturing can cause pain and sometimes even mild spotting or bleeding.

You may notice some mild cramping as the fallopian tube contracts and moves the egg through the fallopian tube.  You may notice a pinching pain first –probably from the follicle bursting – and then dull cramping.
For woman who has narrowing or partial blockage of fallopian tube may experience more severe pain. The pain may easy off once the ovulation is finished. To clear the obstruction and aid the egg travel smoothly will help to stop the pain.
Acupuncture and herbal medicine is a great way to help you to reduce that monthly pain.  Move qi and blood, remove the damp obstruction in the tube will help fertility and ovulation pain.
Herbs that help ovulation Pain: Yan Hu Suo, Dang Gui, ChuanXiong, Chi Shao, Mo Yao, rou Gui. Pu Huang.