Friday, November 26, 2010

Lose weight, improve cholesterol and AST/ALT by Acupuncture & Herbs

Posted on November 26, 2010 at 8:30 PMComments comments (0)

This is a follow up with my Blog in Oct 13, 2010

Case Study #2

59 female over weight, has high cholesterol and recently has a diagnosis with  fatty liver. Patient concerned of  her liver and would like to lose weight. During the initial exam, I found her ankles were swollen (oedema). Patient had difficulty lying down, I had to rise her up in a half seating position to do the acupuncture. Patient also complained of non-stop coughing and felt water back up in the throat.
Patient felt tired all the time not felt to do exercise after work. Craving sweet and over eating is on going problem.

My treatment direction was going to focus with the Spleen, Kidney, Liver, and Lung. I first start with tonify the Spleen qi (digest function) and expel the dampness (awaken body metabolism system). I use points relate with Sp and qi & blood and use formula Xiang Sha Liu Jun zhi Tang ( Ren Shen is the main herb)-Patient likes this formula very much. She felt has much more energy, and lost 2 lb in a week. Then, I add Bao He Wan (Shen Zha is the main herb) along with the treatment in the third week, try to help more the digest system and help control lower cholesterol and hypertension. In the five week, I still found oedema on her ankles, I add in Wu ling San (Zhe Xia is the main herb) which is help leaking the accumulate fluid in the lower portion of the body cause by the kidney function impairment.

After the 6 weeks treatment, Patient is able to lose some weight, fell less hungry but still have swollen on lower portion of her leg. Dry coughing with phlegm still wake her up in the middle of the night. I decided to start to focus more on her kidney and liver function.Patient wished to lose weight faster but did admit indulging herself with sweet as late night snack.

I decided to use Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan ( which focus to warming up the kidney function and water metabolism, Plus Ba Zhen Tang ( which used to tonify basic Spleen QI/engery and Liver blood flow/nourish). In couple weeks, patients started to lose a little more weight.

Patient came in Nov 19, 2010 brought me her new blood Diagnostic. Her MD doctor is very happy with the blood result and encourage her continue with the treatment.

7/15/2010 11/12/2010 Reference range
Total cholesterol 364 High 186  Normal                    125-200
HDL cholesterol 53  Normal 55   Normal     > 46
Triclycerides 177 High 118  Normal                    < 150
LDL cholesterol 276 High 107 Normal  < 130
CHOL/HDLC ratio 6.9 High 3.4  Normal  < 5.0
AST 61 High 37  High  10-35
ALT 92 High 45  High  6-40